

Supported in v8.1+

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type VcenterSummaryV2 {
  • # Supported in v9.0+ An optional field that specifies whether HotAdd transport
  • # mode is enabled for On-Premise vCenter. When this value is `true`, HotAdd
  • # transport mode is enabled for this vCenter. When this value is `false`, HotAdd
  • # transport mode is not enabled for this vCenter. If this value is not specified,
  • # it indicates that this is a VMware Cloud (VMC) vCenter.
  • isHotAddProxyEnabledForOnPremVcenter: Boolean
  • # Supported in v8.1+
  • # Concatenated X.509 certificates in Base64 encoded DER format. Each certificate
  • # must start with -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and end with -----END
  • # CERTIFICATE-----. Use an empty string to remove the existing certificates for
  • # the vCenter.
  • caCerts: String
  • # Details of the SLA Domain assigned to vSphere vCenter.
  • slaAssignable: SlaAssignable
  • # Required. Supported in v8.1+
  • hostname: String!
  • # Required. Supported in v8.1+
  • username: String!
  • # Supported in v9.0+ Set to 'AllowAutoConflictResolution' to link the relic
  • # virtual machine objects of a virtual machine to the current object for the
  • # virtual machine or to 'NoConflictResolution' to prevent linking. When a vCenter
  • # Server is added, the Rubrik cluster generates a unique ID for each virtual
  • # machine. If a virtual machine moves to another vCenter Server or is unregistered
  • # and then registered again with the same vCenter Server, a new unique ID is
  • # generated. This results in the original virtual machine object becoming a relic.
  • # This option links relic virtual machine objects with the current virtual machine
  • # object, allowing the snapshot history to be accessed through the current object.
  • # The default value is 'NoConflictResolution'.
  • conflictResolutionAuthz: VcenterSummaryV2ConflictResolutionAuthz
  • }