Input for the job to export the specified Azure Native Managed Disk to the specified destination.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- input StartExportAzureNativeManagedDiskJobInput {
- # Snapshot ID of the snapshot with which the disk is to be exported.
- UUID! :
- # Name of the disk created after export.
- String! :
- # Native ID of the disk encryption set for encrypting the newly created disks.
- String :
- # Type of the disk created after export.
- AzureNativeManagedDiskType! :
- # Size of the disk created after export, in GiB.
- Int! :
- # Resource group to be associated with the disk created after export.
- String! :
- # Region in which the disk created after export will exist.
- AzureNativeRegion! :
- # Availability Zone in which to export the disk. It is empty for regions types
- # which do not support availability zones.
- String :
- # Rubrik ID of the subscription in which to export the disk. When empty, the disk
- # is exported to same subscription.
- UUID :
- # Specifies whether to export tags from the snapshot or not. When true, the tags
- # from the snapshot are exported as well.
- Boolean! :
- # Specifies whether to run only the export job or to run both the export and
- # replace jobs. When true, the attached managed disk is exported and replaced.
- Boolean! :
- # Specifies whether to recover from the replica of the source snapshot or not.
- # Default value is false.
- Boolean :
- # The type of the snapshot to recover from.
- AzureSnapshotType :
- # ID of the archived snapshot to be exported.
- UUID :
- }