A generic hierarchy object.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- interface HierarchyObject {
- # FID of the hierarchy object.
- UUID! :
- # Name of the hierarchy object.
- String! :
- # Type of this object.
- HierarchyObjectTypeEnum! :
- # SLA Domain assignment type for this object.
- SlaAssignmentTypeEnum! :
- # Effective SLA Domain of the hierarchy object.
- SlaDomain! :
- # Pause status of the effective SLA Domain of the hierarchy object.
- Boolean! :
- # Distribution of the snapshots of the hierarchy object.
- SnapshotDistribution! :
- # Effective retention of the SLA Domain of the hierarchy object.
- SlaDomain :
- # SLA Domain configured for the hierarchy object.
- SlaDomain! :
- # Path node of the effective SLA Domain source.
- PathNode :
- # Sequential list of this object's logical ancestors.
- PathNode!]! : [
- # Sequential list of this object's physical ancestors.
- PathNode!]! : [
- # Number of descendant workloads of this object.
- Int! :
- # Organizations to which this hierarchy object belongs.
- Org!]! : [
- # Security posture metadata.
- SecurityMetadata :
- }
link Require by
- ActiveDirectoryDomainActive Directory Domain.
- ActiveDirectoryDomainControllerActive Directory Domain Controller.
- AwsNativeAccountAWS native account.
- AwsNativeEbsVolumeAWS native EBS volume.
- AwsNativeEc2InstanceAWS native EC2 instance.
- AwsNativeRdsInstanceAWS native RDS instance.
- AwsNativeS3BucketAWS native S3 Bucket.
- AzureAdDirectoryDetails of the Azure AD directory object.
- AzureNativeManagedDiskAn Azure Native Managed Disk that refers to the block storage designed to be used with Azure Virtual Machines. Some examples are: ultra disks, premium solid-state drives (SSD), standard SSDs, and standard hard disk drives (HDD). For more information, see
- AzureNativeResourceGroupAn Azure Native Resource Group. Refers to a collection of resources in which multiple Azure services can reside.
- AzureNativeSubscriptionAn Azure Native Subscription. Refers to the logical entity that provides entitlement to deploy and consume Azure resources.
- AzureNativeVirtualMachineAn Azure Native Virtual Machine that refers to the Azure infrastructure as a service (IaaS) used to deploy persistent VMs. For more information, see
- AzureSqlDatabaseDbAn Azure SQL Database. Refers to the fully managed SQL database built for the cloud. For more info, see
- AzureSqlDatabaseServerRetrieves an Azure SQL Database Server. Refers to the server the Azure SQL Database is a part of. For more info, see
- AzureSqlManagedInstanceDatabaseRetrieves an Azure SQL Managed Instance Database. Refers to the database engine compatible with the latest SQL Server (Enterprise Edition) database engine. For more information, see
- AzureSqlManagedInstanceServerRetrieves an Azure SQL Managed Instance Server. Refers to the server the Azure SQL Managed Instance Database is a part of.
- AzureStorageAccountAn Azure storage account that contains Azure storage data objects including blobs, file shares, queues, tables, and disks. For more information, see
- CassandraColumnFamilyCassandra Column Family information.
- CassandraKeyspaceCassandra Keyspace information.
- CassandraSourceCassandra Source information.
- ClassificationPolicyDetailDetailed view of a data classification policy.
- ClassificationPolicyWhitelistDetailedEntry
- CloudDirectNasExportCloud Direct NAS export object.
- CloudDirectNasNamespaceCloud Direct NAS namespace object.
- CloudDirectNasShareCloud Direct NAS Share object.
- CloudDirectNasSystemCloud Direct NAS System object.
- CrawlObj
- Db2DatabaseDb2 Database details object.
- Db2InstanceDb2 Instance details object.
- ExchangeDagExchange DAG details object.
- ExchangeDatabaseExchange Database details object.
- ExchangeHostExchange Host details object.
- ExchangeServerExchange Server details object.
- FailoverClusterAppFailover cluster App.
- FileResult
- FilesetTemplateFileset template.
- GcpNativeDisk
- GcpNativeGceInstanceRepresents a GCP GCE instance.
- GcpNativeProjectRepresents a GCP project.
- HierarchyObjectConnectionPaginated list of HierarchyObject objects with additional pagination information. Use `nodes` if per-object cursors are not needed. Each page of the results will include at most 1000 entries. Query the `pageInfo.hasNextPage` field to know whether all objects were returned.
- HierarchyObjectEdgeWrapper around the HierarchyObject object. This wrapper is used for pagination.
- HostFailoverClusterHost failover cluster.
- HostShareHost share type.
- HyperVClusterHyper-V cluster details.
- HyperVSCVMMHyper-V SCVMM details.
- HypervServerHyper-V server details.
- HyperVVirtualMachineHyper-V virtual machine details.
- K8sClusterKubernetes cluster.
- K8sNamespaceKubernetes namespace.
- KubernetesClusterKubernetes cluster.
- KubernetesNamespaceTypeKubernetes namespace.
- KubernetesProtectionSetKubernetes Protection Set.
- KubernetesVirtualMachineKubernetes virtual machine.
- LinuxFilesetLinux fileset type.
- M365BackupStorageMailboxMicrosoft 365 Backup Storage Mailbox.
- M365BackupStorageOnedriveMicrosoft 365 Backup Storage OneDrive.
- M365BackupStorageOrgMicrosoft 365 Backup Storage Organization.
- M365BackupStorageSiteMicrosoft 365 Backup Storage SharePoint Site.
- ManagedVolumeManaged Volume information.
- ManagedVolumeMountManaged Volume Export details object.
- MongoCollectionInformation about MongoDB Collection.
- MongoCollectionSetInformation about MongoDB Collection Set.
- MongoDatabaseInformation about MongoDB Database.
- MongodbCollectionInformation about MongoDB Collection.
- MongodbDatabaseInformation about MongoDB Database.
- MongodbSourceInformation about MongoDB Source.
- MongoSourceInformation about MongoDB Source.
- MssqlAvailabilityGroupSQL Server always on availability group.
- MssqlDatabaseSQL Server database.
- MssqlHostMicrosoft SQL Host.
- MssqlInstanceSQL Server instance.
- NasFilesetNAS Fileset protected object.
- NasNamespaceNAS namespace instance associated with registered NAS system.
- NasShareNAS share instance of a registered NAS system.
- NasSystemInstance of a registered NAS system.
- NasVolumeNAS volume instance in a registered NAS system.
- NutanixCategoryNutanix Category details.
- NutanixCategoryValueNutanix Category Value details.
- NutanixClusterNutanix cluster details.
- NutanixPrismCentralNutanix Prism Central details.
- NutanixVmNutanix virtual machine details.
- O365Calendar
- O365GroupO365 Groups from O365 hierarchy.
- O365Mailbox
- O365Onedrive
- O365Org
- O365SharepointDrive
- O365SharepointList
- O365Site
- O365Teams
- O365User
- OracleDatabase
- OracleDataGuardGroup
- OracleHost
- OracleRac
- PhysicalHost
- PolicyObj
- PolicyObjectUsage
- Query
- SapHanaDatabaseSAP HANA Database details object.
- SapHanaSystemSAP HANA system details object.
- ShareFilesetShare fileset.
- Vcd
- VcdOrg
- VcdOrgVdc
- VcdVapp
- VcdVimServer
- VsphereComputeCluster
- VsphereDatacenter
- VsphereDatastoreVsphere datastore.
- VsphereDatastoreClusterVsphere datastore cluster.
- VsphereFolder
- VsphereHost
- VsphereNetwork
- VsphereResourcePool
- VsphereTag
- VsphereTagCategory
- VsphereVcenter
- VsphereVm
- WindowsClusterWindows Failover cluster.
- WindowsFilesetWindows fileset.