Input required to download indexed cloud-native snapshot files.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- input CloudNativeDownloadFilesInput {
- # Snapshot ID.
- UUID! :
- # File/Directory(s) to download.
- String!]! : [
- # Use a snapshot type of source, replicated or archived for recovery.
- SnapshotType :
- # Details of the recovery location.
- FileRecoveryLocationDetailsInput! :
- # Type of download (download to cloud or virtual machine) intended.
- FileDownloadType! :
- # Rubrik ID of the account from which exocompute is launched during recovery. This
- # is only applicable when the snapshot type is archived.
- UUID :
- # Cloud account region where Rubrik Exocompute is launched during recovery. This
- # is only applicable when the snapshot type is archived.
- String :
- # ID of the archived snapshot.
- String :
- }