Supported in v5.0+ v5.0-v8.0: v8.1+: Reference for a Managed Volume snapshot.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- input ManagedVolumeSnapshotReferencePatchInput {
- # Supported in v5.0+
- # v5.0-v5.1: Specifies a time interval in minutes. This reference expires from the
- # snapshot after the specified interval. A value of -1 indicates that the snapshot
- # should not expire.
- # v5.2-v6.0: Specifies a time interval in minutes. This reference expires from the
- # snapshot after the specified interval. A value of -1 indicates that the snapshot
- # does not expire.
- # v7.0+: A time interval, in minutes, after which the reference expires from the
- # snapshot. A value of -1 indicates that the snapshot does not expire.
- Int :
- }