Recommendation keys uniquely identify the type of recommendation.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- enum DhrcRecommendationKey {
- # Recommendation to connect Rubrik Security Cloud to the
- # Rubrik Support portal.
- # Recommendation to increase the number of clusters enabled with Sensitive
- # Data Discovery.
- # INCREASE_NUMBER_OF_ENCRYPTED_CDM_NODES recommend the user to increase
- # the number of encrypted CDM nodes.
- # INCREASE_NUMBER_OF_PROTECTED_OBJECTS recommend the user to increase the
- # number of objects protected by Rubrik.
- # INCREASE_NUMBER_OF_RADAR_ENABLED_CLUSTERS recommend the user to increase
- # the number of Ransomware Investigation enabled clusters.
- # increase the number of SLAs using retention lock.
- # INCREASE_NUMBER_OF_SLA_COMPLIANT_OBJECTS recommend the user to increase
- # the number of objects in compliance with the SLA.
- # INCREASE_NUMBER_OF_USERS_USING_TOTP recommend the user to increase the
- # number of users using TOTP.
- # Recommendation to increase the runway remaining on Rubrik clusters.
- # Recommendation to investigate recent anomaly events.
- # The KEY_UNSPECIFIED key represents an unspecified key.
- # Recommendation to secure sensitive files with open access.
- # Recommendation to upgrade Rubrik clusters which have a software
- # version upgrade available.
- }