
link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type Analyzer {
  • analyzerType: AnalyzerTypeEnum!
  • id: String!
  • name: String!
  • dictionaryCsv: String!
  • dictionary: [String!]!
  • regex: String!
  • # Represents the latest analyzer risk.
  • analyzerRiskInstance: AnalyzerRiskInstance
  • # Represents risk associated with the given analyzer.
  • risk: RiskLevelType!
  • # Represents the tag ID for the given analyzer.
  • tagId: Int!
  • # Represents the types of data you need to analyze using this analyzer.
  • ruleTypes: [AnalyzerRuleType!]!
  • # Regex to filter fields which need to be analyzed for structured data.
  • keyRegex: String!
  • # Regex to analyze the structured data.
  • structuredValueRegex: String!
  • # Dictionary to analyze for the structured data.
  • structuredDictionaryCsv: String!
  • # Parsed list of keywords from structuredDictionaryCsv.
  • structuredDictionary: [String!]!
  • }