

Malware scan result for a snapshot.

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type MalwareScanInSnapshotResult {
  • # ID of the most recent job run against this snapshot, if any.
  • lastJobId: String
  • # List of malware matches found in this snapshot.
  • matches: [MalwareMatch!]!
  • # Stats collected during the scan. Note that the stats capture what was actually
  • # scanned. It's possible a scan for a snapshot terminates early; it's also
  • # possible a scan is retried after an error. This means the counts could be less
  • # than or more than the actual count of entites (files, bytes, etc.) in the
  • # snapshot.
  • scanStats: MalwareScanStats
  • # Date of the snapshot.
  • snapshotDate: DateTime
  • # ID of the snapshot.
  • snapshotId: String!
  • # Status of the scan.
  • status: MalwareScanInSnapshotStatus!
  • # Specifies whether the snapshot has expired.
  • isSnapshotExpired: Boolean!
  • # The snapshot's quarantine details.
  • quarantineDetails: QuarantineSpec
  • }