Input for getting SQL Server log shipping configurations.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- input QueryLogShippingConfigurationsV2Input {
- # Limit the summary information to a specified maximum number of results.
- Int :
- # Filter log shipping configuration objects by performing an infix search using
- # the location string value for a secondary database in the format
- # \"host/instance\".
- String :
- # Starting position in the list of results contained in the response. The summary
- # information includes the specified numbered result and all higher-numbered
- # results.
- Int :
- # ID of a primary database object.
- String :
- # Filter log shipping configuration objects by performing an infix search using
- # the name of a primary database.
- String :
- # Filter log shipping configuration objects by performing an infix search using
- # the name of a secondary database.
- String :
- # Attribute used to sort the results using an ASCII sort order. Sorts using the
- # last_applied attribute represent the timestamp as an ISO 8601-encoded string.
- V2QueryLogShippingConfigurationsV2RequestSortBy :
- # Sort order, either ascending or descending.
- V2QueryLogShippingConfigurationsV2RequestSortOrder :
- # Filter log shipping configuration objects based on the status value of the
- # secondary database.
- V2QueryLogShippingConfigurationsV2RequestStatus :
- # Required. UUID used to identify the cluster the request goes to.
- String! :
- }