Supported in v5.0+
link GraphQL Schema definition
- type VirtualMachineSummary {
- # Supported in v5.0+
- String :
- # Required. Supported in v5.0+
- # Brief info of all the objects in the folder path to this VM.
- VmPathPoint!]! : [
- # Required. Supported in v5.0+
- # Status of authentication with a specific virtual machine using guest
- # credentials. Possible values are: SUCCESSFUL, PENDING, or FAILED.
- String! :
- # Supported in v5.0+
- String :
- # Supported in v5.0+
- String :
- # Supported in v5.0+
- String :
- # Required. Supported in v5.0+
- # Brief info of all the objects in the infrastructure path to this VM.
- VmPathPoint!]! : [
- # Required. Supported in v5.0+
- String! :
- # Required. Supported in v5.0+
- Boolean! :
- # Required. Supported in v5.0+
- Boolean! :
- # Required. Supported in v5.0+
- String! :
- # Supported in v5.0+
- # Configuration information for the vApp that manages a specified virtual machine.
- ParentAppInfo :
- # Supported in v5.0+
- # The power status of VM(ON,OFF,SLEEP etc.).
- String :
- # Supported in v5.0+
- DateTime :
- # Supported in v5.0+
- Boolean :
- # Supported in v5.0+
- String :
- # Required. Supported in v5.0+
- Boolean! :
- # Supported in v8.0+
- String :
- CdmWorkload :
- VirtualMachineSummarySnapshotConsistencyMandate! :
- # Virtual Machine Template summary.
- VirtualMachineTemplateType :
- # Supported in v5.0+
- # The status of the Rubrik Backup Service agent for virtual machines.
- CdmAgentStatus :
- # Supported in v5.0+
- # Cloud instantiation specification for the selected virtual machine.
- CloudInstantiationSpec :
- # Supported in v7.0+
- AdvancedVirtualMachineSummary :
- }