link GraphQL Schema definition
- type PendingSnapshotsOfObjectDeletion {
- UUID! :
- PendingActionStatus! :
- }
link Require by
- ActiveDirectoryDomainActive Directory Domain.
- ActiveDirectoryDomainControllerActive Directory Domain Controller.
- ActiveDirectoryDomainDescendantTypeActive Directory domain descendant type, eg. ActiveDirectoryDomainController.
- ActiveDirectoryDomainPhysicalChildTypeActive Directory domain physical child type, eg. ActiveDirectoryDomainController.
- CdmHierarchyObjectA Rubrik CDM Managed Hierarchy object.
- Db2DatabaseDb2 Database details object.
- Db2InstanceDb2 Instance details object.
- Db2InstanceDescendantTypeDescendant type of a Db2 instance, such as Db2 Database. Use the hosts field for information about associated hosts.
- Db2InstancePhysicalChildTypePhysical child type of a Db2 instance, such as Db2 Database. Use the hosts field for information about associated hosts.
- ExchangeDagExchange DAG details object.
- ExchangeDagDescendantTypeDescendant of the Exchange DAG object.
- ExchangeDatabaseExchange Database details object.
- ExchangeHostExchange Host details object.
- ExchangeHostDescendantTypeDescendant of the Exchange Host object.
- ExchangeHostPhysicalChildTypePhysical child of the Exchange Host object.
- ExchangeServerExchange Server details object.
- ExchangeServerDescendantTypeDescendant of the Exchange Server object.
- FailoverClusterAppFailover cluster App.
- FailoverClusterAppDescendantTypeFailover Rubrik cluster descendant.
- FailoverClusterAppPhysicalChildTypeFailover cluster app physical child.
- FailoverClusterTopLevelDescendantTypeThe top level descendent of failover cluster.
- FilesetTemplateFileset template.
- FilesetTemplateDescendantTypeFileset template descendent.
- FilesetTemplatePhysicalChildTypeFileset template physical child.
- HostFailoverClusterHost failover cluster.
- HostFailoverClusterDescendantTypeHost failover cluster descendant.
- HostFailoverClusterPhysicalChildTypeHost failover cluster physical child.
- HostShareHost share type.
- HostShareDescendantTypeHost share type.
- HostSharePhysicalChildTypeHost share physical child.
- HyperVClusterHyper-V cluster details.
- HyperVClusterDescendantTypeHyper-V cluster descendant type.
- HyperVClusterLogicalChildTypeHyper-V cluster logical child type.
- HyperVSCVMMHyper-V SCVMM details.
- HyperVSCVMMDescendantTypeHyper-V SCVMM descendant type.
- HyperVSCVMMLogicalChildTypeHyper-V SCVMM logical child type.
- HypervServerHyper-V server details.
- HypervServerDescendantTypeHyper-V server descendant type.
- HypervServerLogicalChildTypeHyper-V server logical child type.
- HypervTopLevelDescendantTypeHyper-V top-level descendant type.
- HyperVVirtualMachineHyper-V virtual machine details.
- KubernetesClusterKubernetes cluster.
- KubernetesClusterDescendantDescendants of a Kubernetes Cluster.
- KubernetesNamespaceDescendantDescendants of a Kubernetes namespace.
- KubernetesNamespaceTypeKubernetes namespace.
- KubernetesProtectionSetKubernetes Protection Set.
- KubernetesVirtualMachineKubernetes virtual machine.
- LinuxFilesetLinux fileset type.
- ManagedVolumeManaged Volume information.
- ManagedVolumeDescendantTypeManaged Volume descendant type. For example, ManagedVolumeMount.
- ManagedVolumeMountManaged Volume Export details object.
- ManagedVolumePhysicalChildTypeManaged Volume physical child type eg. ManagedVolumeMount.
- MongoCollectionInformation about MongoDB Collection.
- MongoCollectionSetInformation about MongoDB Collection Set.
- MongoCollectionSetDescendantTypeMongoDB Collection Set descendant Type.
- MongoCollectionSetPhysicalChildTypeMongoDB Collection Set Child Type.
- MongoDatabaseInformation about MongoDB Database.
- MongoDatabaseDescendantTypeMongoDB Database descendant Type.
- MongoDatabasePhysicalChildTypeMongoDB Database Physical Child Type.
- MongoSourceInformation about MongoDB Source.
- MongoSourceDescendantTypeMongoDB Source DescendantType.
- MongoSourcePhysicalChildTypeMongoDB source physical child type.
- MssqlAvailabilityGroupSQL Server always on availability group.
- MssqlAvailabilityGroupDescendantTypeSQL Server availability group descendant.
- MssqlAvailabilityGroupLogicalChildTypeSQL Server availability group logical child.
- MssqlDatabaseSQL Server database.
- MssqlHostMicrosoft SQL Host.
- MssqlHostDescendantTypeMicrosoft SQL Host descendant.
- MssqlHostPhysicalChildTypeMicrosoft SQL Host physical child.
- MssqlInstanceSQL Server instance.
- MssqlInstanceDescendantTypeSQL Server instance descendant.
- MssqlInstanceLogicalChildTypeSQL Server instance logical child.
- MssqlTopLevelDescendantTypeMssql top level descendant.
- NasFilesetNAS Fileset protected object.
- NasNamespaceNAS namespace instance associated with registered NAS system.
- NasNamespaceDescendantTypeNAS namespace descendant type.
- NasNamespaceLogicalChildTypeNAS namespace logical child type.
- NasShareNAS share instance of a registered NAS system.
- NasShareDescendantTypeNAS share descendant type.
- NasShareLogicalChildTypeNAS share logical child type.
- NasSystemInstance of a registered NAS system.
- NasSystemDescendantTypeNAS system descendant type.
- NasSystemLogicalChildTypeNAS system logical child type.
- NasVolumeNAS volume instance in a registered NAS system.
- NasVolumeDescendantTypeNAS volume descendant type.
- NasVolumeLogicalChildTypeNAS volume logical child type.
- NutanixCategoryNutanix Category details.
- NutanixCategoryDescendantTypeNutanix Category descendant type.
- NutanixCategoryLogicalChildTypeNutanix Category logical child type.
- NutanixCategoryValueNutanix Category Value details.
- NutanixCategoryValueDescendantTypeNutanix Category Value descendant type.
- NutanixCategoryValueLogicalChildTypeNutanix Category Value logical child type.
- NutanixClusterNutanix cluster details.
- NutanixClusterDescendantTypeNutanix cluster descendant type.
- NutanixClusterLogicalChildTypeNutanix cluster logical child type.
- NutanixPrismCentralNutanix Prism Central details.
- NutanixPrismCentralDescendantTypeNutanix Prism Central descendant type.
- NutanixPrismCentralLogicalChildTypeNutanix Prism Central logical child type.
- NutanixTopLevelDescendantTypeNutanix top-level descendant type.
- NutanixVmNutanix virtual machine details.
- OracleDatabase
- OracleDataGuardGroup
- OracleDataGuardGroupDescendantType
- OracleDataGuardGroupLogicalChildType
- OracleHost
- OracleHostDescendantType
- OracleHostLogicalChildType
- OracleRac
- OracleRacDescendantType
- OracleRacLogicalChildType
- OracleTopLevelDescendantType
- PhysicalHost
- PhysicalHostDescendantTypePhysical host descendant.
- PhysicalHostPhysicalChildType
- SapHanaDatabaseSAP HANA Database details object.
- SapHanaSystemSAP HANA system details object.
- SapHanaSystemDescendantTypeSAP HANA system descendant type, for example, SAP HANA Database.
- SapHanaSystemPhysicalChildTypeSAP HANA system Physical Child Type.
- ShareFilesetShare fileset.
- Vcd
- VcdCatalogDescendantType
- VcdCatalogLogicalChildType
- VcdDescendantType
- VcdLogicalChildType
- VcdOrg
- VcdOrgDescendantType
- VcdOrgLogicalChildType
- VcdOrgVdc
- VcdOrgVdcDescendantType
- VcdOrgVdcLogicalChildType
- VcdTopLevelDescendantType
- VcdVapp
- VcdVappDescendantTypeVCD vApp descendant.
- VcdVappLogicalChildType
- VcdVimServer
- VsphereComputeCluster
- VsphereComputeClusterDescendantType
- VsphereComputeClusterPhysicalChildType
- VsphereContentLibraryDescendantTypeVsphere content library descendant type information.
- VsphereContentLibraryLibraryChildTypeVsphere content library logical child type information.
- VsphereDatacenter
- VsphereDatacenterDescendantType
- VsphereDatacenterFolderDescendantTypeVsphere datacenter folder descendant type information.
- VsphereDatacenterFolderLogicalChildTypeVsphere datacenter folder logical child type information.
- VsphereDatacenterFolderPhysicalChildTypeVsphere datacenter folder physical child type information.
- VsphereDatacenterLogicalChildType
- VsphereDatacenterPhysicalChildType
- VsphereDatastoreVsphere datastore.
- VsphereDatastoreClusterVsphere datastore cluster.
- VsphereDatastoreClusterDescendantType
- VsphereDatastoreClusterPhysicalChildType
- VsphereFolder
- VsphereFolderDescendantType
- VsphereFolderLogicalChildType
- VsphereHost
- VsphereHostDescendantType
- VsphereHostPhysicalChildType
- VsphereNetwork
- VsphereResourcePool
- VsphereResourcePoolDescendantType
- VsphereResourcePoolPhysicalChildType
- VsphereTag
- VsphereTagCategory
- VsphereTagCategoryDescendantType
- VsphereTagCategoryTagChildType
- VsphereTagDescendantType
- VsphereTagTagChildType
- VsphereVcenter
- VsphereVcenterDescendantType
- VsphereVcenterLibraryChildTypeVsphere vCenter library child type information.
- VsphereVcenterLogicalChildType
- VsphereVcenterPhysicalChildType
- VsphereVcenterTagChildType
- VsphereVm
- WindowsClusterWindows Failover cluster.
- WindowsClusterDescendantTypeWindows Failover cluster descendant.
- WindowsClusterLogicalChildTypeWindows Failover cluster logical child.
- WindowsFilesetWindows fileset.