Input required to export a GCP GCE instance snapshot.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- input GcpNativeExportGceInstanceInput {
- # Snapshot Rubrik ID.
- UUID! :
- # The zone of the exported disk.
- String! :
- # The name of the exported instance.
- String! :
- # The machine type of the exported instance.
- String! :
- # The subnet name of the exported instance.
- String! :
- # The network tags of the exported instance.
- String!] : [
- # Specifies whether the exported instance will be created in a powered-off state.
- Boolean! :
- # Specfies whether the labels will be copied to the exported disk from the source
- # disk that were there at the time of taking the snapshot or not.
- Boolean! :
- # Specifies whether to allow Rubrik labels on the exported disk or not.
- Boolean! :
- # Native ID of the shared VPC host project for the current service project.
- String :
- # Encryption type of created disk.
- DiskEncryptionType! :
- # Customer managed key to encrypt exported instance. This is only applicable when
- # encryption type is CustomerManagedKey.
- KmsCryptoKey :
- # Customer managed key to encrypt exported instance. This is only applicable when
- # encryption type is CustomerManagedKeyResourceId.
- String :
- }