Paginated list of K8sClusterDescendant objects with additional pagination information. Use nodes
if per-object cursors are not needed. Each page of the results will include at most 1000 entries. Query the pageInfo.hasNextPage
field to know whether all objects were returned.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- type K8sClusterDescendantConnection {
- # List of K8sClusterDescendant objects with additional pagination information. Use
- # `nodes` if per-object cursors are not needed.
- K8sClusterDescendantEdge!]! : [
- # List of K8sClusterDescendant objects.
- K8sClusterDescendant!]! : [
- # General information about this page of results.
- PageInfo! :
- # Total number of K8sClusterDescendant objects matching the request arguments.
- Int! :
- }