

Supported in v9.2+

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • input NutanixMountVdisksJobConfigInput {
  • # Supported in v9.2+
  • # Specifies whether to trigger migration immediately when the vDisk Mount
  • # succeeds.
  • shouldMigrateImmediately: Boolean
  • # Supported in v9.2+
  • # The ID of the storage container that stores the disks of the mounted virtual
  • # machine when migration is selected.
  • containerNaturalId: String
  • # Required. Supported in v9.2+
  • # Specifies whether the migration option should not be enabled for the vDisk
  • # Mount.
  • shouldDisableMigration: Boolean!
  • # Required. Supported in v9.2+
  • # ID of the target Nutanix virtual machine where the vDisks will be mounted.
  • targetVirtualMachineId: String!
  • # Required. Supported in v9.2+
  • # vDisk IDs to be mounted from the given snapshot.
  • virtualDiskIds: [String!]!
  • }