Filters for the cluster list.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- input ClusterFilterInput {
- # Cluster UUIDs.
- UUID!] : [
- # Cluster names.
- String!] : [
- # Cluster types.
- ClusterTypeEnum!] : [
- # Object types of snappables protected by the cluster.
- ObjectTypeEnum!] : [
- # Cluster registration time greater than.
- DateTime :
- # Cluster registration time less than.
- DateTime :
- # Returns clusters running software version equal to or greater than the specified
- # version.
- String :
- # Location of the Rubrik cluster.
- String!] : [
- # Exclude clusters that do not have any nodes connected.
- Boolean :
- # Type of Rubrik cluster.
- ClusterProductEnum!] : [
- # The mode in which the cluster is registered.
- ClusterRegistrationMode!] : [
- # The licensed product type.
- Product :
- # Filter for clusters belonging to the specified organizations.
- UUID!] : [
- # Product type specific filters for the clusters.
- ClusterFilterPerProductInput!] : [
- # Exclude the Rubrik cluster UUIDs.
- UUID!] : [
- # System status of the Rubrik cluster.
- ClusterSystemStatus!] : [
- # Connection status of the Rubrik cluster.
- ClusterStatus!] : [
- # Include Rubrik clusters which are disconnected or in fatal state.
- Boolean :
- # Cyber Event Lockdown mode of the Rubrik cluster.
- ClusterCyberEventLockdownMode!] : [
- }