Webhook configuration to update.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- input UpdateWebhookInput {
- # The new name of the webhook to be updated.
- String :
- # A description of the webhook to be created.
- String :
- # The Webhook server certificate that Rubrik uses to establish a TLS connection
- # with the endpoint.
- String :
- # The ID of the service account attached to the webhook.
- String :
- # The ID of the webhook to be updated.
- Int! :
- # A list of event and audit types to which the webhook is subscribed.
- SubscriptionTypeInput :
- # A list of event and audit severities to which the webhook is subscribed.
- SubscriptionSeverityInput :
- # The application that will receive the webhook.
- ProviderType :
- # The authentication type and token to authenticate the endpoint.
- AuthInfoInput :
- # Specifies whether the webhook is enabled or not.
- WebhookStatus :
- # The URL endpoint to the receiving application.
- URL :
- # Specifies whether a test event will be sent upon update.
- Boolean :
- }