

The changes in attribute values if the Active Directory object is restored.

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • type ActiveDirectoryObjectRecoveryDryRunResponseData {
  • # Required. Distinguished Name Tag of the object.
  • dnt: Long!
  • # Specifies if the operation succeeded or failed.
  • isFailure: Boolean
  • # Represents how the object is recovered or modified.
  • operation: String!
  • # Detailed error for failure scenarios for the given object.
  • reason: String
  • # Distinguished Name of the object.
  • distinguishedName: String!
  • # Attributes in difference format with detailed message.
  • attributes: ActiveDirectoryObjectAttributesDiffResponseWithDetails!
  • # Attributes in difference format with detailed message.
  • failedAttributes: ActiveDirectoryObjectRestoreFailedAttr!
  • }